What are the phases involved in pancreatic exocrine secretions?

1. Cephalic Phase 2. Gastric Phase 3. Intestinal Phase Describes the activity that occurs in anticipation of a mealSignals are transmitted from the brain via the vagus nerve causing release of acetylcholine in nerve endings in the pancreasCauses moderate amounts of...

How are pancreatic exocrine secretions controlled?

Minimal secretion between meals Entry of food stimulates secretions via neural and humoral mechanisms: Neural Pancreas is innervated by the vagus nerve which releases acetyl cholineWhen activated during the cephalic phase of digestion in anticipation of a meal, there...

What protects pancreatic tissue from digestive enzymes?

Pancreatic enzymes are secreted in inactive form The suffix –ogen or prefix pro- indicates an inactive enzyme (e.g. trypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase They will be activated by: Enterokinase enzyme: secreted by the brush border of the duodenal wall when chyme comes into...