

'theguidewire.net' has been created with trainees in mind to help improve access to resources for specialist examinations in anaesthesia and intensive care. We have felt firsthand the burden that such exams place on the trainees and are working hard to make a resource that aids you throughout your journey to success



  • Create an online hub to center revision for the FRCA and FFICM exams
  • Use past questions and the curriculum documents to present the full range of topics covered in the FRCA and FFICM exams
  • Present information in a standardised, referenced and easy to understand manner



Any information on this site is presented for education and training purposes only and should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes under any circumstances. Whilst we aim to ensure that any information on the site is up to date and linked to relevant professional sources, the rapidly evolving nature of modern medicine means our small team will be unable to always provide the latest updates. We try hard to ensure the the information we present is correct and free from errors, though this cannot be guaranteed. Professional sources, guidelines, product literature and pharmaceutical guides should always be consulted when using any drug or therapeutic intervention. The authors, editors, and contributors therefore disclaim all liability for direct or consequential damages resulting from the use of material contained within this site