Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4 0.5-0.66(2.5-3.5 mmol/L) Normal Normal - - - Fungal Meningitis Variable Fibrin...
Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4 0.5-0.66(2.5-3.5 mmol/L) Normal Normal - - - TB Meningitis Variable Fibrin web...
To Determine Diagnosis Consider need for CT prior to lumbar puncture:Perform to exclude mass lesion if altered consciousness, focal signs, papilledema, a recent seizure or is immunocompromisedDo not delay treatment for CT – take blood cultures and commence...
Classical presentation is with a triad of fever, altered mental state and neck stiffness Other presenting features include: Features of Systemic Infection Meningism CNS dysfunction FeverNauseaMalaiseHigh feverPurpuric or petechial skin rash (in meningococcal...