Small Molecules Middle Molecules Protein-Bound Molecules Size <500 Da 500 - 60,000 Da Albumin is 66 kDa (Not a middle molecule!) Variable Examples UreaCreatininePotassiumOxalateUric acid InterleukinsCytokinesB2 -microglobulinANPTNFLight chains HomocysteineHippuric...
Intermittent Haemodialysis Continuous RRT Peritoneal Dialysis Advantages Efficient and intensive techniqueAllows for down-time for interventionsCan be performed overnightStaff required for a shorter timeLower costs Provides better haemodynamic stabilityEfficient...
Solutes to be Removed from the Plasma Patient`s Cardiovascular and Neurological Status Availability of Resources Clinician`s Experience Other Specific Clinical Considerations Hemofiltration is better at removing middle moleculesHemodialysis better at removing small...
There is no evidence that the use of either continuous or intermittent therapies have a survival benefit in critical illness Continuous modalities have been Several benefits have been proposed from the use of continuous modalities: Improved haemodynamic stability and...
Catheters should be: Large diameter catheter (>11FG) – allowing blood flow in excess of 250 ml/min Polyurethane material Coaxial or lumen-in-lumen Uncuffed, non-tunnelled KDIGO...