IntroductionYou are assessing a patient who was admitted to the intensive care unit 2 days ago for urosepsis. They have developed a worsening AKI for which the consultant suggests initiating renal replacement...
Renal replacement therapy (RRT) describes techniques used to purify the blood and achieve the solute and fluid homeostasis usually produced by the kidney Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) describes treatments which are applied for prolonged periods at a time...
Diffusion Ultrafiltration Convection Definition The transport of solute across a semi-permeable membrane, down a concentration gradient The passage of fluid across a semi-permeable membrane due to a hydrostatic pressure The transport of a solute across a...
Haemodialysis Haemofiltration Haemodiafiltration (Combined) Mechanisms Clearance of solutes via diffusion down a concentration gradientA counter-current flow of a solution containing various electrolytes on the opposite side of membrane to blood allows diffusion to...