Case Information

The patient is admitted to intensive care where worsening hypoxia means she is intubated and ventilated. You spend time ensuring that her ventilation is optimised appropriately. The nurse asks what else should be...

Why is neuromuscular blockade thought to be useful in ARDS?

Mechanisms remain unclear but thought to be due to: Reduced patient-ventilator dyssynchrony Improved chest wall compliance resulting in reduced driving pressures Anti-inflammatory effect Not established whether these are limited to (cis-) atracurium or wider NMB...

What is the evidence for neuromuscular blockade in ARDS?

RCT: ACURASYSPapazian et al NEJM (2010)View Paper RCT: ROSEARDSNet NEJM (2019)View Paper Intervention Cisatracurium vs. placebo for 48 hours Cisatracurium vs. placebo for 48 hours Population 348 patients with severe ARDS (P/F ratio <13 kPa) 1006 patients with...