  • Spinal anaesthesia is traditionally avoided:
    • Potential for hypotension and vasodilation caused by the rapid onset of sympathetic blockade
    • Decreased preload and decrease in cardiac output
    • Decrease in afterload and coronary filling
  • Cases of carefully titrated anaesthesia using spinal or epidural catheter reported
  • Limb blocks may be beneficial, either alone or as an adjunct to general anaesthesia.
Induction & Maintenance
  • Extreme care needs to be taken with induction of anaesthesia to avoid hypotension:
    • Titrate all anaesthetic drugs very carefully
    • Options include high dose opioids and etomidate or inhalational induction
  • Use vasopressors to maintain pre-induction blood pressure-levels:
    • Ensure vasopressor drugs (phenylephrine or metaraminol) at hand
    • Infusions running peripheral vasopressor during induction facilitate maintenance of pressure