Awake Fibreoptic Intubation
  • Should be considered when there is concern regarding distorted upper airway anatomy or that the airway may be lost completely on induction
  • Should not be performed in the setting of marked obstruction due to the risk of 'cork in bottle' phenomenon
Inhalational Induction and Intubation
  • Provides an option for anxious patients intolerant of awake intubation
  • Assessment needs to be made that the size of the goitre will no lead to obstruction after induction
  • Difficult airway adjuncts must be available in case the airway is lost during induction
Awake Tracheostomy
  • Provides a safe option if the above techniques are not possible
  • The increased vascularity associated with a large goitre can make an awake tracheostomy difficult.
Rigid Bronchoscopy
  • Provides a method for ventilation in the setting of unsuccessful intubation or subglottic tracheal compression