Intermittent Haemodialysis
  • Efficient and intensive technique
  • Allows for down-time for interventions
  • Can be performed overnight
  • Staff required for a shorter time
  • Lower costs
  • May cause haemodynamic instability with rapid fluid removal
  • Relative need for anticoagulation
  • Potential for disequilibrium
  • Need for expensive machinery
  • Need for personnel
  • Venous access
  • Anticoagulation
  • Skilled staff
  • Expensive equipment
Continuous RRT
  • Provides better haemodynamic stability
  • Efficient solute removal and electrolyte balance with continuous removal
  • Round-the-clock maintenance of volume status
  • Nutrition and medication given while volume status maintained
  • User-friendly machines
  • Patient immobilisation
  • Need for prolonged anticoagulation
  • Nursing staff intensive
  • Expensive machinery
  • Risk of hypothermia
  • Round the clock skilled nursing staff
  • Venous access
  • Anticoagulation
  • Complex equipment
Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Better haemodynamic stability than haemodialysis
  • No need for anticoagulation
  • Slow correction of volume and electrolyte disorders
  • Many nurses unfamiliar with methods
  • Risks of leaks and peritoneal infection
  • Peritoneal catheter
  • Sterile peritoneal solutions
  • Trained staff