History & Examination
  • Full anaesthetic history
  • Specific areas of focus:
    • Associated symptoms
    • Last echo and it’s findings
    • Cardiology interventions and follow-up
  • Examination of cardiovascular and respiratory system


  • Echo – strongly desirable, consider delaying non-essential surgery until performed:
    • Severity of stenosis
    • LV function
  • Bloods:
    • FBC to exclude anaemia
    • Coagulation studies – particularly if on warfarin
    • U&E and renal function – may be disturbed if on diuretics
    • BNP
  • ECG:
    • LVH / LV strain
    • Arrhythmias
  • Chest Xray


Risk Assessment & Optimisation
  • Referral to cardiologist – assistance with decisions regarding:
    • Appropriateness of surgery
    • Need for pre-operative intervention:
      • Aortic valve replacement
      • TAVI
      • Balloon valvuloplasty
  • Lee index or ‘revised cardiac risk’ index tool
    • Use information to consent appropriately with risks involved


  • Consider using anxiolytics to prevent tachycardia