What are the recommended empirical antibiotics for meningitis?

Antibiotics must penetrate CSF and be given in an appropriate bactericidal dosage Recommended empirical therapy is based upon age given potential causative organisms Adults <60 years of age Adults ≥60 years of age No Penicillin Allergy Cefotaxime 2 g 6 hourly...

How do you manage a patient with meningitis?

Resuscitation & Supportive Management Ensure appropriate staff available to manage patientABC approach treating abnormalities as found:Consider need for intubation for airway protection:Strongly consider if GCS <12Maintain adequate blood pressure aiming MAP...

When should a CT scan be performed before LP in meningitis?

CT imaging is important when raised ICP suspected: Lumbar puncture may precipitate cerebral herniation Should be performed if in all patients presenting with: Focal neurologic deficits (excluding cranial nerve palsies) New-onset seizures Severely altered mental status...

What are the characteristic CSF findings in bacterial meningitis?

Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4 0.5-0.66(2.5-3.5 mmol/L) Normal Normal - - - Bacterial Meningitis >30 Turbid...

What are the characteristic CSF findings in viral meningitis?

Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4 0.5-0.66(2.5-3.5 mmol/L) Normal Normal - - - Viral Meningitis Normal or slightly...