What are the different forms of disease that tetanus can cause?

Generalized Tetanus Local Tetanus Cephalic Tetanus Neonatal Tetanus Most common type (about 80%) of reported tetanusAffects muscles throughout the bodyUsually presents with the classic triad of:RigidityMuscle spasmsAutonomic instability Uncommon form seen with lower...

How can tetanus severity be graded?

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How do you manage the patient with tetanus?

Key PrinciplesSupportive care with intubation & ventilation and control of autonomic instabilityHuman tetanus immunoglobulin to remove systemic toxinWound debridement and antibiotics to reduce bacterial load Initial Resuscitation & Supportive Care ABCDE...

How do you work-up the patient with tetanus?

To Determine Diagnosis The diagnosis is entirely clinical and does not depend upon bacteriologic confirmationLaboratory tests may help support diagnosis:Wound / tissue / pus culture for c. tetaniWound / tissue / pus culture for c. tetaniSerum tetanus toxin levelSerum...