What are the ECG features of aortic stenosis?

Left ventricular hypertrophy (present in 85%) Left ventricular strain pattern: T-wave inversion – inferior and lateral leads ST-segment depression inferior and lateral leads (becomes increasingly common as the hypertrophy progresses) AV nodal block...

What is assessed with echocardiography in aortic stenosis?

Valve Morphology Determinants of Stenosis Severity Complications of Stenosis Number of leafletsLeaflet mobilityThickness and calcification Peak gradientValve areaMaximal Aortic Velocity LV systolic dysfunctionLV diastolic dysfunctionLV hypertrophyLV...

How do you work-up the patient with aortic stenosis?

To Determine Diagnosis Focused history and clinical examinationTransthoracic echocardiography To Determine Severity / Prognosis Transthoracic echocardiographyAdditional tests depending upon clinical featuresExercise testing (in asymptomatic patients)CT calcium...

What are the complications of aortic stenosis?

Sudden death: Asymptomatic disease: 1% Symptomatic disease: 50% Left ventricular failure Arrhythmias: Ventricular arrhythmias (more common) Supraventricular arrhythmias Heart block Infective endocarditis Embolic phenomena (disintegration of the aortic valve or...