SBA 2421

What are the characteristic CSF findings in the different types of meningitis? Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4...

SBA 3349

How do you manage a patient with meningitis? Resuscitation & Supportive Management Ensure appropriate staff available to manage patientABC approach treating abnormalities as found:Consider need for intubation for airway protection:Strongly consider if GCS...

SBA 3320

What are the characteristic CSF findings in the different types of meningitis? Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4...

SBA 2012

What are the characteristic CSF findings in the different types of meningitis? Opening Pressure Appearance Cell Differential WCC (per mm3) Protein (g/L) Glucose-Serum Ratio Lactate Gram stain Microscopy & culture PCR Other Normal 5-20 Normal Normal <3 0.2-0.4...

SBA 2392

How do you manage a patient with meningitis? Resuscitation & Supportive Management Ensure appropriate staff available to manage patientABC approach treating abnormalities as found:Consider need for intubation for airway protection:Strongly consider if GCS...