You should be able to:
- Describe the mathematical interactions between a drug and its receptor
- Define occupancy, affinity, efficacy and potency
- Draw and describe the relationship between dose and occupancy in a binding and log binding curve
- Describe how a binding curve changes with drugs of differing affinities
- Draw and describe the relationship between dose and occupancy in a binding and log binding curve
- Describe how a binding curve changes with drugs of differing affinities
- Explain what graded and quantal responses represent
- Draw and describe the relationship between dose and occupancy in a dose-response and log dose-response curve
- Describe how a dose-response curve changes with drugs of differing potencies
- Define agonist, partial agonist, inverse agonist and antagonist and give examples
- Draw and describe a log-dose response curve for different forms of agonist
- Describe the different forms of antagonist
- Draw and describe the effect on a log dose-response curve when different forms of antagonists are add