Microscopically divided in to exocrine and endocrine cells:

Exocrine Cells
  • Vast majority of pancreatic tissue (99%)
  • Acinar and ductal cells secrete alkaline digestive secretions containing enzymes
  • Drain via pancreatic ductules and ducts which unite with the common bile duct opening in to the duodenum
Endocrine Cells
  • Occupy on 1% of the pancreatic tissue
  • Locates in collections called the "islets of Langerhans":
    • Approximately 1 million scattered throughout acinar cells
  • Possess different cell types which produce, store and secrete different hormones:
    • α-cells (25%) - glucagon
    • β-cells (60%) - insulin
    • δ-cells (10%) - somatostatin
    • PP cells - pancreatic polypeptide
    • E-cells - ghrelin
Structure of the pancreas, detailing endocrine and exocrine structures