• Antibiotics should be used in any case of pancreatitis complicated by infected pancreatic necrosis but should not be given routinely for fever, especially early in the presentation:
    • Carbapenem usually the best class due to penetration in to pancreatic tissue
    • Fungal infection should be considered in severe infected pancreatic necrosis
  • Image-guided FNA should be used to gain material for culture when:
    • Necrosis and features of sepsis
    • 30% necrosis and persistent symptoms at 7-14 days
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis in severe pancreatitis is controversial:
    • Trials performed in this area show great heterogeneity with a variety of antibiotics used for different durations
    • Routine use of against infection is not currently recommended
    • If used may increase the risk of fungal superinfection