Right sided 1 basal opacification suggesting effusion. Given the history it is in keeping with haemothorax 1
Right sided 1 basal opacification suggesting effusion. Given the history it is in keeping with haemothorax 1
D – Details
  • A-P erect x-ray
  • No further details given
R – RIPE (Rotation, Inspiration, Penetration, Exposure)
  • Not significantly rotated
  • Adequate inspiration and exposure
  • Slight overpenetration
A – Airways (and Hila)
  • No abnormality
B – Breathing (Lungs and Pleura)
  • Homogenous opacification is noted in the right lower zone with a meniscus visualised
  • The right costophrenic angle and diaphragm edge is lost
C – Circulation (Heart & Mediastinum)
  • No abnormality
D – Diaphragm
  • No abnormality
E – Everything Else (Bones, Interventions Tissues)
  • No abnormality