Patient Factors
  • Female gender (x3 risk - biggest risk factor)
  • Younger age
  • Non-smoker
  • History of PONV previously
  • History of Motion sickness
  • Preoperative anxiety
  • Disease states:
    • Uraemia
    • Intestinal obstruction
    • Hypoglycaemia
    • Hypoxia
Anaesthetic Factors
  • Use of specific drugs:
    • Inhalational agents (2x risk, dose dependent)
    • Nitrous oxide (1.4x risk, likely due to GIT / middle ear cavity distension)
    • Opioids (note untreated pain is also emetogenic)
    • Sympathomimetics
    • Etomidate, ketamine, methohexitone (compared with propofol and thiopentone)
    • Neostigmine (recent work suggests that this is not associated with PONV)
  • Prolonged anaesthesia
  • Spinal anaesthesia (blocks above T5)
  • Intraoperative dehydration
  • Inexperienced bag and mask ventilation (gastric dilatation)
Surgical Factors
  • Specific surgery types:
    • Abdominal surgery
    • Laparoscopic surgery
    • Intracranial surgery
    • Middle ear surgery
    • Squint surgery (highest incidence of PONV in children)
    • Gynaecological
    • Head and neck surgery - especially tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
  • Other surgical factors:
    • Prolonged surgery
    • Painful surgery