• Document assent and complete appropriate consent form 1
  • Arrange a time during daytime hours
  • Gather information about the patient:
    • Review recent blood results and drug chart 1
    • Review recent chest imaging 1
    • Determine the optimal depth of ETT and recent ventilatory requirements
  • Stop enteral feed and ensure NG tube aspirated 1
  • Consider ultrasound of the neck as part of risk assessment 1
  • Ensure skilled assistants present and assign roles
  • Prepare IV access, fluids and emergency drugs 1
  • Ensure appropriate sedation and muscle relaxation 1:
    • Consider the use of BIS to guide deep sedation
  • Ensure full monitoring including EtCO2 (turned to face the operator) 1
  • Set the ventilator 1:
    • Pre-oxygenate with FiO2 of 1.0
    • Mild hyperventilation often used with volume control ventilation
  • Position the patient 1:
    • Use a head ring
    • Neck extended using pillow or bag of fluids under the shoulder blades
    • Sitting up 30 degrees reduces venous distension and bleeding risk