  • Only be performed once the absence of brainstem reflex activity has been confirmed
  • Ensure cardiovascular stability maintained
  • Ensure utilization of end tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) monitoring, pulse oximetry, blood pressure monitoring and blood gas analysis:
    • Prevents the development of significant hypoxia
    • Prevents the development of excessive hypercarbia
    • Minimizes the development of hypotension which could risk further injury to potentially recoverable brain tissue
  • Preoxygenate with an FiO2 1.0.
  • Ensure mild hypercarbia (PaCO2 >6.0 kPa) and acidosis (pH <7.4) prior to testing:
    • Reduce the minute ventilation to allow PaCO2 to rise
    • A PaCO2 >6.5 kPa should be targeted in:
      • Patients with chronic CO2 retention
      • Patients receiving intravenous bicarbonate
  • Remove patient from ventilator - cardiac pulsation may be sufficient to trigger supportive breaths
  • Ensure oxygenation - options include:
    • Connect the patient to CPAP circuit (e.g. Mapleson C)
    • Administer oxygen via a catheter in the trachea at a rate of >6L/minute
  • Perform a pre-test arterial blood gas to confirm PaCO2 is at least 6.0 kPa and pH <7.4
  • Observe for respiratory activity for 5 min, confirming the start time
  • Perform a confirmatory blood test to ensure an increase in PaCO2 of more than 0.5 kPa
  • After completion of the apnoea, test reconnect the ventilator