- Usually presents with prodrome for 2–3 days of fever, flu-like illness and malaise
- Features can be described as those affecting: the skin, mucous membranes (involvement is characteristic of SJS / TEN) and extra-cutaneous sites
Initial Phase:
- Erythematous, dusky red, flat macules
- Lesions symmetrically distributed on face, trunk and limbs
Late Phase:
- Lesion coalesce to form flaccid blisters
- Epidermal detachment
Mucous Membranes
- Eyelid oedema, redness and discharge
- Buccal erosive haemorrhagic lesions, white pseudomembranous crust
- Crust on lips
- Genital erosive haemorrhagic lesions, painful urination
Extracutaneous Sites
- Respiratory Tract: Respiratory distress
- GI Tract: Nausea, diarrhoea, malabsorption, colonic perforation
- Renal Tract: Proteinuria, haematuria