Due to Needle
- Pleural puncture:
- Pneumothorax 1
- Haemothorax 1
- Intrapleural placement of the line 1
- Carotid artery puncture
- Intimal dissection
- Emboli
- Flow obstruction and cerebral infarction
- Local haematoma of neck
- Nerve injury:
- Vagus Nerve 1
- Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve 1
- Sympathetic tract - Horner's syndrome 1
- Phrenic nerve 1
- Brachial plexus 1
- Thyroid puncture
- Thoracic duct puncture (low, left-sided approach) 1
Due to Line
- Arrhythmias following line insertion 1
- Air embolism 1
- Guidewire embolisation 1
- Infection:
- Localised
- Bloodstream
- Vessel stenosis
- Thrombosis
- Cardiac tamponade following erosion of vessel wall by line tip
- Subclavian vein cannulation
- Microshock