Resuscitation & Supportive Care
- Consider need for intubation:
- Intubation if not maintaining airway
- May require semi-elective intubation if not protecting adequately or for neuroprotective measures
- Tape tube in position
- Manage hypertension / hypotension
- Until aneurysm secured target systolic blood pressure <180mmHg-160mmHg (ESO/AHA)
- If required use a titratable IV antihypertensive and invasive arterial monitoring
- Maintain MAP >90mmHg (ESO)
- Manage arrhythmias
- Manage seizures with benzodiazepines, phenytoin and levetiracetam
- Instigate appropriate neuroprotective measures:
- Maintain CO2 4.5-6.0 kPa, pO2 >10
- Sit up, avoid neck lines
- Analgesics, laxatives, antiemetics to reduce ICP
- Maintain glucose 6-10mmol and temperature <37.5
- Careful management of fluids:
- Urinary catheter and fluid balance monitoring for all patients
- Aim for euvolaemia
- Reverse any coagulopathy
- DVT prophylaxis:
- Mechanical methods until aneurysm secured
- LMWH >12 after surgical clipping