- Readily available around the clock in most centres1
- Excellent accuracy1
- Strong validation in prospective management outcome studies1
- Low rate of inconclusive results (3–5%)1
- May provide alternative diagnosis if PE excluded1
- Short acquisition time1
- Can evaluate IVC and lower extremity thrombi when used in conjunction with venography1
Max 2
- Radiation exposure, particularly to young female breast tissue
- Exposure to iodine contrast
- Tendency to overuse because of easy accessibility
- Clinical relevance of CTPA diagnosis of subsegmental PE unknown
Planar V/Q Scan
- Almost no contraindications
- Low radiation and contrast medium sparing investigation
- Relatively inexpensive
- Strong validation in prospective management outcome studies
- Not readily available in all centres1
- Interobserver variability in interpretation1
- Results reported as likelihood ratios1
- Inconclusive in 50% of cases1
- Cannot provide alternative diagnosis if PE excluded1
Max 2
Pulmonary Angiography
- Historical gold standard
- Invasive procedure1
- Not readily available in all centres1
Max 2