SOE Format: Please answer the following questions on the given topic The case will be displayed with each question followed by an answer, allowing you to review your given response A timer is available for use to determine the given time period A 28-year-old man was...
Causes of Lactic acidosis are classically divided into 2 types by the Cohen & Woods classification based upon the presence or absence of an oxygen demand/delivery mismatch: Type A: Oxygen Demand / Delivery Mismatch(Anaerobic respiration as a result of tissue...
The consultant has reviewed the patient and is concerned about propofol related infusion syndrome (PRIS) given the high levels of sedation he has been...
Recently defined as: Occurring in critically ill patients receiving propofol infusions, typically either high dose (>5 mg / kg / h ) or of long duration (>48 h), and is characterised by one or more of otherwise unexplained metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, or...