SOE 716: Propofol

SOE Format: Please answer the following questions on the given topic The case will be displayed with each question followed by an answer, allowing you to review your given response A timer is available for use to determine the given time period Regarding...

How does propofol work?

Mechanism of Action Primary mechanism of action is agonist at the GABAA receptor (inhibitory)Secondary mechanism of actions may include:Agonist at the glycine receptor (inhibitory)Antagonist at the neuronal nACh receptor...

Describe the pharmacodynamic effects of propofol?

Systemic Effects RS CVS NS GI Side Effects & Toxicity HypotensionBradycardiaApnoeaPain on injectionPropofol infusion syndrome (particularly in paediatric populations):HyperlipidaemiaAcidosisMyocardial failure)Fat overload syndrome due to fat...

Why does propofol cause pain on injection?

Pain on injection can be immediate or delayed (10-20s later) Cause remains unclear Possible mechanisms include: Direct irritant effect of phenol (particularly that in aqueous phase) Effect of pH or osmolarity – considered less likely as solution almost isotonic...

How can you reduce the pain from propofol?

Injection technique: Large vein Slow speed of injection Local Anaesthetic: Lignocaine premedication (10-20mg given 10s before injection) Lignocaine mixed with propofol (10-20mg mixed with 190mg propofol) No clear evidence either method superior Temperature: Propofol...