How can the severity of aortic stenosis be graded using echo?

Grade Mild Moderate Severe(Associated with significant haemodynamic compromise) Critical Peak gradient <30 mmHg 30–50 mmHg >50 mmHg >70 mmHg Valve Area >1.5 cm2 1.0–1.5 cm2 0.6 -1.0 cm2 <0.6 cm2 Maximal Aortic Velocity <3.0 m/s 3.0-4.0...

What are the ECG features of aortic stenosis?

Left ventricular hypertrophy (present in 85%) Left ventricular strain pattern: T-wave inversion – inferior and lateral leads ST-segment depression inferior and lateral leads (becomes increasingly common as the hypertrophy progresses) AV nodal block...

Case Information

An echo is performed which shows a peak gradient of 55 mmHg and a valve area of...

Case Information

The patient presents 2 weeks later with a suspected incarcerated hernia requiring emergency...