Case Information

An echo is performed which reveals evidence of severe aortic...

How can the severity of aortic stenosis be graded by echo?

Grade Mild Moderate Severe(Associated with significant haemodynamic compromise) Critical Peak gradient <30 mmHg 30–50 mmHg >50 mmHg >70 mmHg Valve Area >1.5 cm2 1.0–1.5 cm2 0.6 -1.0 cm2 <0.6 cm2 Maximal Aortic Velocity <3.0 m/s 3.0-4.0...

If the patient requests spinal anaesthesia what would you do?

Classically neuraxial anaesthesia is avoided in severe aortic stenosis: Causes reduction in SVR and thus systemic hypotension Fixed obstruction impedes compensatory increase in cardiac output Can result in spiral of decreased coronary perfusion, ischaemia, further...