What do you do after insertion of the IO needle?

Deliver medication and fluids as prescribed Use a pressure bag for fluid infusions Secure the limb to prevent dislodgment Apply pink wristband next to current patient ID wristband Document time, date, rationale and any supporting information for insertion Continue to...

How long can you leave the needle in for?

Manufacturers’ recommended maximum length of time for IO needles to stay in situ is 24 hours Should only be used as a temporizing measure and definitive longer-term access should be sought following...

Describe the different parts of a long bone?

Epiphysis Metaphyis Diaphysis Wider section at each end of the boneFilled with cancellous (spongy bone) and covered by a hard thin casing of cortical boneRed bone marrow fills the spaces between the cancellous bone The neck portion of a long bone between the epiphysis...