Affecting Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP)Changes in intracranial pressure (ICP)Changes in central venous pressure (CVP) Affecting Radius of Cerebral Vessels Myogenic controlMetabolic mediators:pCO2pO2Cerebral metabolic...
Cerebral blood flow is autoregulated between a MAP of 50 – 150 mmHg Outside the autoregulatory range: When MAP >150 mmHg CBF becomes directly proportional to CPP When MAP falls <50 mmHg CBF falls proportionally below the ‘normal’ value of 50 mL/100 g/min,...
Autoregulation becomes impaired in intracranial pathology (e.g. traumatic brain injury, infection and haemorrhage) Leads to a more directly proportional relationship between CPP and cerebral blood flow Related Pages: (5.6)...
The autoregulatory vessel calibre changes are mediated by interplay between myogenic, neurogenic, metabolic and endothelial mechanisms: Myogenic Tone Metabolic Response Neurogenic Response Endothelial Response Thought to be the primary mechanism behind cerebral...