What is the role of CT in pancreatitis?

CT is indicated if the diagnosis is equivocal, to rule out alternative intra-abdominal catastrophes In acute severe pancreatitis, CT is used to detect and stage regional complications such as pancreatic necrosis: Should be performed in those with new or persisting...

Which scores can be used to assess the severity of pancreatitis?

A number of systems exist to identify severity and prognosticate pancreatitis Considered advantageous over clinical judgement alone Useful in determining optimum location of care Limitations exist with many of the scoring systems: Cumbersome to complete Require 48...

What are pancreatic pseudocysts?

A collection of pancreatic secretions resulting from pancreatic duct leakage: Become encased in granulation tissue Occurs in approximately 5% of cases of acute pancreatitis Presentation may be: Asymptomatic Isolated pain Due to complications including bleeding,...

What is pancreatic necrosis and what are the consequences?

Ischaemia and autodigestion lead to necrosis of peri-pancreatic fat and surrounding tissue· Appearance changes over time: Early: appears as a diffuse semi-solid mass with no obvious demarcation Late (>4 weeks): develops a fibrinous wall making it more amenable to...