SOE 169: Resonance & Damping

Introduction You are asked to help prepare an invasive arterial blood pressure system for a patient undergoing a laparotomy. Invasive measurement of arterial blood pressure is an example of dynamic...

What is dynamic measurement?

The ‘input’ (x) or physical quantity being measured, changes over time (t) and is therefore said to be ‘unsteady’ The output (y), as a function of time y(t) and can generally be given as a factor (K) of the input as a function of...

What response behaviours can dynamic measurement systems display?

Measurement systems respond differently to inputs due to their inherent properties such as resistance, capacitance, mass and dead time. The dynamic response of an instrument is typically described as either zero, first, or second-order: The order of an ideal dynamic...

Case Information

An invasive arterial blood pressure measurement system behaves as a second-order...