High Blood Flows Low Blood Flows Advantages A lower filtration fraction required thus reducing the risk of filter clottingEasier to match ultrafiltration rates and therefore fluid removal targets Reduced haemodynamic instability Reduced risk of filter related...
RCT: ELAINZarbock et alJAMA (2016)View Paper RCT: AKIKIGaudry et alNEJM (2016)View Paper RCT: IDEAL-ICUBarbar et alNEJM (2018)View Paper Intervention Early vs. Late initiation of RRTEarly: Within 8 hours of meeting KDIGO stage 2 AKILate: Within 12 hours of meeting...
There may be a significant difference between the prescribed ‘dose’ and that which is actually delivered – estimated using clearance equations to be 73% in practice Due to a number of factors: Treatment downtime due to filter clotting Technical problems such as boor...
Increasing the dose may cause loss of essential molecules and thus affect outcome: Antibiotics – many significantly cleared by RRT Amino acids and proteins Micronutrients (vitamins, selenium, folic...