What is the optimal dose of CRRT in AKI?

Adequate clearance, and how this influences outcome is not clear: Current research suggests that a rate of 20-25ml/kg is adequate Higher rates of clearance (35-40ml/kg) confer no benefit Higher rates may need to be prescribed to ensure minimum desired clearance is met...

What evidence exists to determine the optimum ‘dose’ of CRRT? 

RCT: ELAINZarbock et alJAMA (2016)View Paper RCT: AKIKIGaudry et alNEJM (2016)View Paper RCT: IDEAL-ICUBarbar et alNEJM (2018)View Paper Intervention Early vs. Late initiation of RRTEarly: Within 8 hours of meeting KDIGO stage 2 AKILate: Within 12 hours of meeting...