• Should be considered:
    • Where there are absolute contraindications to thrombolysis
    • Where thrombolytic therapy has failed and the patient is critically ill
  • Options include:
Percutaneous Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis / Embolectomy
  • Involves insertion of a catheter into the pulmonary arteries via the femoral route
  • Different approaches involve one or a combination of:
    • Mechanical fragmentation
    • Ultrasound fragmentation
    • Thrombus aspiration
    • In situ reduced-dose thrombolysis
  • Overall procedural success rates in small studies have reached 87%
Surgical Embolectomy
  • Carried out with cardiopulmonary bypass, with aortic cross-clamping and cardioplegic cardiac arrest
  • Involves incision of the two main pulmonary arteries with the removal or suction of fresh clots
  • Has favourable outcomes in small studies:
    • Similar 30-day mortality to thrombolytic therapy
    • Lower risk of stroke or re-intervention