Time: 0 second
Question No. 2
Q: What are the clinical features that may suggest pulmonary embolism as a cause of a patients deterioration?
Answer No. 2
- Clinical features are non-specific and have been shown to be of limited value in confirming the diagnosis
- Features range from being relatively asymptomatic to significant cardiovascular compromise - they can be difficult to identify in the sedated, mechanically-ventilated patient
- Haemodynamic instability is a rare but important form of clinical presentation, as it indicates central or extensive PE with severely reduced haemodynamic reserve
- Common features include:
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Dyspnea
- Hemoptysis
- Acute onset of tachypnea
- Hypoxia or increased oxygen requirements
- Tachycardia
- Hypotension
- Unexplained agitation
- Asymmetric leg swelling
- Weaning failure
- Persistent pyrexia without evident source of infection
- Cardiovascular and respiratory examination findings:
- Pleural friction rub
- Small volume arterial pulse
- Raised jugular venous pressure
- Gallop rhythm at the left sternal edge
- Accentuated second heart sound
Question No. 3
Q: How common is pulmonary embolism?
Question No. 4
Q: What is the mortality associated with pulmonary embolism?
Answer No. 4
- Mortality rates range in studies range from 6% - 15%
- In 2004 this equated to 370 000 deaths across Europe
- 34% died suddenly or within a few hours of the acute event
- 59% diagnosed after death
Only 7% who died early were correctly diagnosed with PE before death
Question No. 5
Q: What are the risk factors for VTE in the critically ill?
Answer No. 5
Can be considered according to Virchow’s triad:
Venous Stasis
- Prolonged bed rest
- Prolonged air travel (>8 hours)
- Fracture of lower limbs
- Hip or knee replacement
- Spinal cord replacement
- Varicose veins
- Malignancy (particularly metastatic disease)
- Infection (specifically pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and HIV)
- Specific thrombotic conditions:
- Previous venous thrombosis
- Factor V Leiden mutation
- Protein C or S deficiency
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
- Antithrombin III deficiency
- Antiphospholipid antibodies
- Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
- High levels of factor VIII
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Pregnancy
- Drugs:
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Oral contraceptives
- Tamoxifen
- Chemotherapy
- Heart failure or respiratory failure
- Increasing age
- Obesity
Endothelial Injury
- Major surgical procedures
- Trauma
- Prior venous thrombosis
- Venous catheters
- Smoking
- Hypertension
Question No. 6
Q: How can the severity of PE be classified?
Answer No. 6
- Classification of PE severity has traditionally been based on haemodynamic stability:
- Cardiovascular compromise with a systolic blood pressure (SBP) <90 mmHg or a drop in systolic pressure of >40 mmHg
- No systemic hypotension but evidence of either RV dysfunction or myocardial necrosis
Mild / Non-Massive
- Asymptomatic or with mild symptoms and no evidence of RV dysfunction or cardiovascular compromise
- Newer classifications of severity are based upon early mortality risk (in-hospital or 30-days) using clinical, imaging, and laboratory indicators:
Early Mortality Risk
Early Mortality Risk
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Early Mortality Risk
Early Mortality Risk
Shock or hypotension
PESI class III-V
Signs or RV Dysfunction on Imaging
Cardiac Laboratory Biomarkers
Both positive
Both positive
Either one (or none) positive
Either one (or none) positive
Assessment optional but negative if assessed
Question No. 7
Q: How is haemodynamic instability defined in the setting of high-risk pulmonary embolism?
Answer No. 7
Cardiac arrest
- Need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Obstructive shock
- Systolic BP <90 mmHg or vasopressors required to achieve a BP ≥90 mmHg despite adequate filling status
and - End-organ hypoperfusion (altered mental status; cold, clammy skin; oliguria/anuria; increased serum lactate)
Persistent hypotension
- Systolic BP <90 mmHg or systolic BP drop ≥40 mmHg, lasting longer than 15 min and not caused by new-onset arrhythmia, hypovolaemia, or sepsis
Question No. 9
Q: What are the electrocardiographic (ECG) findings seen in PE?
Answer No. 9
- ECG findings are also variable and neither sensitive or specific
- A normal ECG is seen in up to 18% of cases
- Abnormalities seen include:
- Sinus tachycardia (most common - 44%)
- Atrial arrhythmias (most frequently atrial fibrillation)
- Classic S1Q3T3 (10%)
- Deep S-wave in lead I, Q-wave in III and an inverted T-wave in III
- Complete or incomplete right bundle branch block (15%): rSR’ in V1
- Associated with increased mortality
- Acute right ventricular strain (34%)
- T-wave inversion in the right precordial leads (V1-4) and the inferior leads (II, III, aVF)
Associated with high pulmonary artery pressures
- T-wave inversion in the right precordial leads (V1-4) and the inferior leads (II, III, aVF)
- Right axis deviation (15%):
- May be extreme deviation - between 0 and -90°
- Non-specific ST-segment and T-wave changes:
- ST-elevation and depression
- T-wave inversion

An ECG in pulmonary embolism demonstrates:
- S1Q3T3 pattern - an S wave in lead I, Q wave and an inverted T wave in lead III
- Sinus tachycardia

An ECG in pulmonary embolism demonstrates:
- Incomplete or complete RBBB (rSR’ in V1)
- T wave inversion in V1-V3 - mimics anterior ischemia
- Sinus tachycardia

An ECG in pulmonary embolism demonstrates:
- Right axis deviation
- Right bundle branch block (rSR’ in V1)
- Deep T wave inversion in V1-V3
- Sinus tachycardia
Question No. 11
Q: Why do pulmonary emboli cause haemodynamic instability?
Answer No. 11
- PE can lead to right ventricular (RV) failure due to acute pressure overload:
- Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) increases in the presence of obstruction
- Becomes evident if >30-50% of the total cross-sectional occluded by thromboemboli
- Obstruction due to:
- Mechanical obstruction from clot burden
- Vasoconstriction, mediated by the release of thromboxane A2 and serotonin
- Results in increased RV afterload and subsequent dilatation:
- Initial compensation occurs via Frank Starling mechanism with increased myocyte stretch
- Neurohumoral activation leads to inotropic and chronotropic stimulation.
- RV adaptation is limited and is unable to generate a mean PAP >40 mmHg
- Ventricle non-preconditioned and thin-walled
- Enters cycle of progressive RV failure with imbalanced oxygen supply / demand and decreased contractility
- Progressive impact on left ventricle (LV) and systemic circulation:
- Bowing of intraventricular septum impairs LV filling
- Further exacerbated by development of right bundle branch block
- Leads to reduced cardiac output and systemic hypotension
- Exacerbates impaired coronary driving pressure to the overloaded RV and further imbalances myocardial oxygen supply and demand
- May be a secondary inflammatory response due to massive neurohumoral activation
Question No. 12
Q: How would your diagnostic strategy change now the patient is demonstrating haemodynamic instability?
Answer No. 12
Question No. 13
Q: What are the echocardiographic findings seen in PE?
Answer No. 13
- Dilatation of the right ventricle
- Impaired right ventricular function
- Flattened intraventricular septum
- Distended inferior vena cava with diminished inspiratory collapsibility
- Tricuspid regurgitation
- Mobile thrombus in the right heart

Dilatation of the right ventricle
- Basal RV/LV > 1.0
- RV >4cm at the base in the 40 chamber view

Impaired right ventricular function
- Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) <16 mm
- May be evident on visual evaluation
McConnel's sign
- Normokinesia and/or hypokinesia of the apical segment of the RV free wall despite hypokinesia and/or akinesia of the remaining parts of the RV free wall

Flattened intraventricular septum

Distended inferior vena cava with diminished inspiratory collapsibility

Tricuspid regurgitation
- Velocity greater than 2.7 m/sec by colour doppler flow imaging

Mobile thrombus in the right heart
Question No. 14
Q: What are the indications for thrombolysis in PE?
Answer No. 14
- High-risk (massive) PE
- Selected cases of intermediate-risk (sub-massive) PE:
- Currently not routinely recommended by ESC guidance
- Some evidence it improves long term outcomes
Question No. 15
Q: What is the role for thrombolysis in sub-massive PE?
Answer No. 15
- Some argue in favour of thrombolysis given improved longer-term outcomes:
- Reduced burden of chronic RV failure or thrombus-related pulmonary hypertension
- Others argue against thrombolysis given:
- Relatively low mortality rates even with standard treatment (heparin)
- Lack of proven mortality benefit (PEITHO trial used composite endpoint of mortality and haemodynamic instability)
- Known potential for serious morbidity/ mortality with thrombolytics (mainly due to intracranial bleeding)
- Increased cost
- European Society of Cardiology guidelines do not currently recommend thrombolysis for intermediate-risk (sub-massive) pulmonary embolism
Question No. 16
Q: What is the evidence for thrombolysis in intermediate-risk (sub-massive) PE?
Answer No. 16
- Thrombolysis (tenecteplase 30-50mg & heparin) vs. no thrombolysis (placebo & heparin) in patients with intermediate-risk/sub-massive pulmonary embolism
- 1006 patients across 76 sites in 13 countries
- PE confirmed by V/Q, CT or pulmonary angiogram with RV dysfunction confirmed by echo or CT and raised troponin
- Primary outcome: Death or haemodynamic decompensation (composite endpoint) within 7 days significantly lower in thrombolysis group than placebo group (2.6%5.6%)
- Secondary outcomes:
- No significant difference in mortality (1.2% vs. 1.8%)
- Both major extracranial bleeding (6.3% vs. 1.2%) and haemorrhagic stroke (2% vs 0.2%) significantly higher in thrombolysis group
- Thrombolysis (tenecteplase & heparin) vs. no thrombolysis (heparin alone) in patients with intermediate-risk/sub-massive pulmonary embolism
- 83 patients across 8 sites in the USA
- PE confirmed by V/Q, CT or pulmonary angiogram with RV dysfunction confirmed by echo, troponin or BNP
- Composite primary outcome of death, intubation and major bleeding at 5 days or recurrent PE or impaired functional capacity at 90 days
- Significantly reduced adverse outcomes in thrombolysis group (15% vs. 37% had at least 1 adverse outcome)
- Thrombolysis with half standard dose thrombolysis (tPa & enoxaparin) vs. anticoagulation alone in 'moderate PE'
- 121 patients in single centre in the USA
- 'Moderate PE' defined as haemodynamically stable PE with >70% involvement of thrombus in ≥2 lobar or left or right main pulmonary arteries
- Primary outcome of development of pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery systolic pressure ≥ 40mmHg) significantly lower in thrombolysis group than control group(16% vs. 57%)
Question No. 17
Q: What surgical and catheter reperfusion therapies are available and what are their roles?
Answer No. 17
- Should be considered:
- Where there are absolute contraindications to thrombolysis
- Where thrombolytic therapy has failed and the patient is critically ill
- Options include:
Percutaneous Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis / Embolectomy
- Involves insertion of a catheter into the pulmonary arteries via the femoral route
- Different approaches involve one or a combination of:
- Mechanical fragmentation
- Ultrasound fragmentation
- Thrombus aspiration
- In situ reduced-dose thrombolysis
- Overall procedural success rates in small studies have reached 87%
Surgical Embolectomy
- Carried out with cardiopulmonary bypass, with aortic cross-clamping and cardioplegic cardiac arrest
- Involves incision of the two main pulmonary arteries with the removal or suction of fresh clots
- Has favourable outcomes in small studies:
- Similar 30-day mortality to thrombolytic therapy
- Lower risk of stroke or re-intervention
Question No. 18
Q: What are the options for anticoagulation for a patient presenting with pulmonary embolism?
Answer No. 18
Acute Management
Parenteral, weight-adjusted anticoagulation should be used:
- Low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) SC
- Fondaparinux SC
- Unfractionated heparin (UFH) IV
- Generally second line due to higher bleeding risk and HIT risk
- Preferred agent in the setting of:
- Overt haemodynamic instability or imminent haemodynamic decompensation in whom primary reperfusion treatment will be necessary (short half life and easy reversal)
- Increased risk of bleeding
- Serious renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 mL/min)
Longer-Term Management
Started when the patient's condition is stable and no invasive procedures are planned
- Non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant (NOAC)
- Warfarin international normalized ratio (INR) is 2.0 to 3.0:
Question No. 19
Q: When should anticoagulation be commenced?
Answer No. 19
- Anticoagulation should be initiated without delay, while diagnostic workup in progress, in patients with:
- Suspected PE with haemodynamic instability
- Suspected PE without haemodynamic instability with a high or intermediate clinical probability
Question No. 20
Q: When should intubation be considered in pulmonary embolism?
Answer No. 20
- Patients at high risk of deterioration during induction of anaesthesia, intubation, and positive-pressure ventilation:
- Effect of drugs on hypotensive patient
- Positive intrathoracic pressure reduces venous return and exacerbates RV dysfunction
- Intubation should be performed only if the patient is unable to tolerate or cope with non-invasive ventilation or high-flow oxygen therapy
Question No. 21
Q: How should right ventricular failure be managed in pulmonary embolism?
Answer No. 21
Fluid Therapy
- Cautious fluid therapy may improve haemodynamic status:
- Small fluid boluses (500ml) have been shown to improve cardiac output
- Aggressive volume expansion should be avoided:
- Potential to over distend the RV and lead to reduced systemic cardiac output
- Not shown to be of benefit in studies and may be harmful
- If signs of elevated CVP, further volume loading should be withheld
Vasopressors & Inotropes
- Noradrenaline considered as first line therapy:
- Increases RV inotropy and systemic blood pressure
- Restores coronary perfusion gradient and improves ventricular interactions
- Dobutamine may be considered useful for patients with PE, a low cardiac index and normal:
- Potential to aggravate ventilation/perfusion mismatch
- Can worsen circulatory failure given vasodilatory effect
Pulmonary Vasodilators
- May be useful in in patients with PE and pulmonary hypertension, though anecdotal evidence only
- Options include inhaled nitric oxide and aerosolised prostacyclin
Mechanical Circulatory Support
- May be useful in the setting of circulatory collapse or cardiac arrest:
- VA-ECMO most frequently used:
- Associated with a high incidence of complications, even when used for short periods
- Effectiveness depends upon centre experience and patient selection