Time: 0 second
Question No. 3
Q: What does the ECG show? (2 marks)

Answer No. 3
- Incomplete RBBB 1 (rSR’ in V1)
- T wave inversion in V1-V3 1 (mimics anterior ischemia)
- Sinus tachycardia 1
Question No. 4
Q: Given the history and ECG findings, give a differential diagnosis? (2 marks)
Answer No. 4
- Pulmonary embolism (PE) 1
- Acute coronary syndrome 1
- Pulmonary oedema 1
- Pneumonia 1
- Pneumothorax 1
- Pleural effusion 1
Question No. 6
Q: Suggest some suitable, immediate bedside investigations? (2 marks)
Answer No. 6
To Determine Diagnosis
- Clinical scoring +/- D-dimer: 0.5
- Well's score
- Imaging (stable patient)
- CTPA - 1st line
- V/Q scan - if normal chest x-ray
- Pulmonary angiography (if diagnosis remains uncertain)
- Imaging (unstable patient)
- Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
- Chest x-ray 0.5(to exclude other pathology)
To Determine Severity / Prognosis
- Transthoracic echocardiography 0.5
- Troponin 0.5
- BNP 0.5
- Arterial blood gas 0.5
- ECG 0.5
- PESI score
To Assess for Complications
- Screen for malignancy
- Thrombophilia screen
Question No. 7
Q: Name 2 scoring systems applicable to PE? (2 marks)
Answer No. 7
- To determine diagnosis
- Well's score 1:
- 3-level: low, moderate or high risk
- 2-level: likely or unlikely (Recommended by NICE)
- Geneva score 1
- Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC) 1:
- Used for ruling out PE in low-probability cases
- Well's score 1:
- To assess severity & prognosis
- Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) 1
Question No. 8
Q: In the absence of haemodynamic instability name 2 features that would make this a suspected intermediate-risk PE? (2 marks)
Answer No. 8
- Absence of haemodynamic instability with PESI Class III-IV 1 and one of the following:
- RV dysfunction on imaging1
- Rasied troponin1
- Raised BNP1
Early Mortality Risk
Early Mortality Risk
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Early Mortality Risk
Early Mortality Risk
Haemodynamic Instability
PESI class III-V
Signs or RV Dysfunction on Imaging
Cardiac Laboratory Biomarkers
Both positive
Both positive
Either one (or none) positive
Either one (or none) positive
Assessment optional but negative if assessed
Question No. 9
Q: Other than impaired right ventricular function what abnormal features on a transthoracic echocardiogram would support a diagnosis of PE? (3 marks)
Answer No. 9
- Dilatation of the right ventricle 1
- Impaired right ventricular function
- Flattened intraventricular septum 1
- Distended inferior vena cava with diminished inspiratory collapsibility 1
- Tricuspid regurgitation 1
- Mobile thrombus in the right heart 1

Dilatation of the right ventricle
- Basal RV/LV > 1.0
- RV >4cm at the base in the 40 chamber view

Impaired right ventricular function
- Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) <16 mm
- May be evident on visual evaluation
McConnel's sign
- Normokinesia and/or hypokinesia of the apical segment of the RV free wall despite hypokinesia and/or akinesia of the remaining parts of the RV free wall

Flattened intraventricular septum

Distended inferior vena cava with diminished inspiratory collapsibility

Tricuspid regurgitation
- Velocity greater than 2.7 m/sec by colour doppler flow imaging

Mobile thrombus in the right heart
Question No. 10
Q: What are the indications for thrombolysis in PE? (1 marks)
Answer No. 10
- High-risk (massive) PE 1
- Selected cases of intermediate-risk (sub-massive) PE:
- Currently not routinely recommended by ESC guidance
- Some evidence it improves long term outcomes
Question No. 11
Q: Name 4 contraindications to thrombolysis in pulmonary embolism? (2 marks)
Answer No. 11
- History of intracranial hemorrhage, intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or aneurysm 0.5
- Recent (<2 months) intracranial surgery or trauma 0.5
- Active or recent internal bleeding 0.5
- Known bleeding diathesis 0.5
- Non-haemorrhagic stroke within the prior 2 months 0.5
- Surgery within the previous 10 days0.5
- Thrombocytopaenia (platelets <100x109/l 0.5
- Uncontrolled severe hypertension (systolic BP >200mmHg or diastolic >110mmHg) 0.5
Question No. 12
Q: Give 2 options recommended for initial anticoagulation in pulmonary embolism? (2 marks)
Answer No. 12
Acute Management
Parenteral, weight-adjusted anticoagulation should be used:
- Low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) SC 1
- Fondaparinux SC 1
- Unfractionated heparin (UFH) IV 1
- Generally second line due to higher bleeding risk and HIT risk
- Preferred agent in the setting of:
- Overt haemodynamic instability or imminent haemodynamic decompensation in whom primary reperfusion treatment will be necessary (short half life and easy reversal)
- Increased risk of bleeding
- Serious renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 mL/min)
Longer-Term Management
Started when the patient's condition is stable and no invasive procedures are planned
- Non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant (NOAC)
- Warfarin international normalized ratio (INR) is 2.0 to 3.0:
Question No. 13
Q: What other investigations should be considered in the case of this patient? (2 marks)
Answer No. 13
To determine the underlying cause:
- Suitable investigations for likely underlying malignancy 1 (as suggested in the opening question)
- Thrombophilia screen 1