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OSCE 462: Acute Hypoxia
OSCE Format:
- Please answer the following questions on the given topic
- The case will be displayed with each question followed by an answer, allowing you to review your given response
- Please score yourself according to the orange text
- A timer is available for use to determine the given time period
You are asked to review a 45 year old man on the intensive care unit. He was admitted 8 days ago following a road traffic accident in which he sustained significant multisystem injuries. The nurse reports he has recently been for a scan, but has been getting more hypoxic since he returned. He is intubated and ventilated, and is now saturating at 88% on an FiO2 of 1.0…
Question No. 2
Q: What type of scan is this image taken from? (1 marks)

Answer No. 2
This image is taken from a CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) 1
Question No. 3
Q: What abnormality is shown (1) and what is the diagnosis (1)? (2 marks)

Answer No. 3
- Demonstrates contrast filling defect across the bifurcation of the main pulmonary artery 1 extending to the right and left main pulmonary arteries
- In keeping with a diagnosis of saddle 0.5 pulmonary embolism 0.5
Question No. 4
Q: Name 3 advantages and 2 disadvantage for CTPA in the diagnosis of PE? (5 marks)
Answer No. 4
- Readily available around the clock in most centres1
- Excellent accuracy1
- Strong validation in prospective management outcome studies1
- Low rate of inconclusive results (3–5%)1
- May provide alternative diagnosis if PE excluded1
- Short acquisition time1
- Can evaluate IVC and lower extremity thrombi when used in conjunction with venography1
- Radiation exposure, particularly to young female breast tissue 1
- Exposure to iodine contrast 1
- Tendency to overuse because of easy accessibility 1
- Clinical relevance of CTPA diagnosis of subsegmental PE unknown 1
Question No. 5
Q: How would you define high-risk PE? (1 marks)
Answer No. 5
High-risk PE is defined as a PE in the presence of haemodynamic instability 1
Early Mortality Risk
Early Mortality Risk
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Risk Parameters & Scores
Early Mortality Risk
Early Mortality Risk
Haemodynamic Instability
PESI class III-V
Signs or RV Dysfunction on Imaging
Cardiac Laboratory Biomarkers
Both positive
Both positive
Either one (or none) positive
Either one (or none) positive
Assessment optional but negative if assessed
Question No. 6
Q: Describe 2 criteria that would constitute haemodynamic instability in a high-risk pulmonary embolism suggesting thrombolysis would be indicated? (2 marks)
Answer No. 6
Cardiac arrest
- Need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1
Obstructive shock
- Systolic BP <90 mmHg or vasopressors required to achieve a BP ≥90 mmHg despite adequate filling status 1
and - End-organ hypoperfusion (altered mental status; cold, clammy skin; oliguria/anuria; increased serum lactate)
Persistent hypotension
- Systolic BP <90 mmHg1 or systolic BP drop ≥40 mmHg 1lasting longer than 15 min and not caused by new-onset arrhythmia, hypovolaemia, or sepsis
Question No. 8
Q: Describe the possible therapies that can be used to support the right ventricle? (5 marks)
Answer No. 8
Fluid Therapy
- Cautious fluid therapy 1 may improve haemodynamic status:
- Small fluid boluses (500ml) have been shown to improve cardiac output
- Aggressive volume expansion should be avoided: 1
- Potential to over distend the RV and lead to reduced systemic cardiac output
- Not shown to be of benefit in studies and may be harmful
- If signs of elevated CVP, further volume loading should be withheld
Vasopressors & Inotropes
- Noradrenaline considered as first line therapy: 1
- Increases RV inotropy and systemic blood pressure
- Restores coronary perfusion gradient and improves ventricular interactions
- Dobutamine may be considered useful for patients with PE, a low cardiac index and normal: 1
- Potential to aggravate ventilation/perfusion mismatch
- Can worsen circulatory failure given vasodilatory effect
Pulmonary Vasodilators
- Pulmonary vasodilators may be useful in in patients with PE and pulmonary hypertension 1 , though anecdotal evidence only
- Options include inhaled nitric oxide and aerosolised prostacyclin
Mechanical Circulatory Support
- Mechanical support may be useful in the setting of circulatory collapse or cardiac arrest: 1
- VA-ECMO most frequently used:
- Associated with a high incidence of complications, even when used for short periods
- Effectiveness depends upon centre experience and patient selection
Question No. 9
Q: Give 2 options for interventional based treatment? (2 marks)
Answer No. 9
- Percutaneous catheter-directed Thrombolysis 1
- Percutaneous catheter-directed embolectomy 1
- Surgical embolectomy 1
Question No. 10
Q: Describe two situations where catheter or surgical interventions should be considered? (2 marks)
Answer No. 10
- Should be considered:
- Where there are absolute contraindications to thrombolysis 1
- Where thrombolytic therapy has failed and the patient is critically ill 1